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Here you can browse all of the games I have available on my website. My own games as well as other developer’s games! You can check out the games based on their tags or go through every single one of them presented with their thumbnails. If you want to check out only the pastelkatto games, you can go over here! On this website I try to focus on approving games with either a pleasant art style, games with a wide range of customization or games by indie developers. A few games may have some sort of intro but generally I do not publish games with any kind of gameplay aside from character customization or dressing up. My goal is to provide games where you can focus as much as possible on the most fun part, creating and dressing up your characters!

I try to prioritize posting games with either a lot of customization available, quality artwork or preferably both. I also like posting games from indie developers just starting out. Those games may not be the best but I love supporting new developers. Me and many other developers have had to reduce the size of our games to keep up with the demand of new content. But many of us are doing our best to continue contributing with quality to this genre of games! I’m still very much passionate about making sure that this genre has a wide variety on the games available. As much as dressing up in pink dresses can be fun, it’s not for everyone.

I post games from all kinds of sources. Most, however, are for sure from fellow friends, developers and webmasters. Many that I’ve been in contact with or/and has worked with for these past 10+ years!

Kawaii games link
Doll Divine link link
Azaleas games link