News and known issues

This page will NOT include information about the current game developing progress. That’s a perk limited to patreon supporters. If you want and can, you’re free to support me on patreon ( and get weekly updates on how much progress is being made with the upcoming games!

If you have issues with the games, please go through this BEFORE you contact me:

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Disable any adblockers (some run multiple without knowing it and some browsers have built in adblockers, double check!)
    (If you want ad free games, I have ad free desktop apps available for supporting patrons)
  3. Try another browser if possible

If the game still doesn’t work, please provide the following information in your bug report:

  • Exactly where you get stuck in the game (a screenshot is highly appreciated)
  • What device and browser you are using
  • This is optional but could get me some valuable information:
    If you’re on chrome, right click anywhere on the page and press “inspect elements”, press the “console” tab. If you have any red messages, please let me know!

If you have suggestions on features/changes that would make it easier for you to use this website, I’d love to hear from you! Please comment on this page and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

2024-04-21 – Many Dolldivine games non-functional

Fixed the bugs causing the body extra items to not show up! 🙂

2024-02-22 – Many Dolldivine games non-functional

I’m aware that multiple dolldivine games are currently not loading on this website. I’m checking up on this issue and will resolve it ASAP!

Update: I have been informed that this issue will eventually be resolved, we just have to hold on for a little bit, so no worries, these will come back 🙂

2024-01-11 – My stance on AI generated games

I’ll get straight to the point, as a digital artist I do NOT support the development of AI generated games. I will let it slide if the background or some patterns are AI generated but when all or majority of the assets are AI generated I will NOT put them up on my site. If I have published a game on this site and have missed the fact that it was AI generated, please do let me know and I will take it down ASAP. Some are easy to spot, some are not, so if I’ve made a mistake I am happy to correct this.

Full transparency: I think that there is a time and place for AI. I use it for inspiration for my art and games. BUT everything is hand drawn by me in the end, I simply use generated images as inspiration just as I’d use other artworks or photos as references. But I will not put in AI generated assets, edited AI generated assets or traced AI generated assets into my games. That wouldn’t sit right for me.

Thank you to anyone who spots this where I miss it. Sometimes these games does fly under my radar so your help is very appreciated!

2023-12-22 – Sidebar removed from ALL game pages

I discovered that while the sidebar was supposed to be removed from all game pages a good while ago, it did persist on some pages. I think I’ve been able to remove them from the last few pages but if you stumble upon a game page that still have a sidebar, please let me know and I’ll get it removed 🙂

2023-12-02 – Layout changes on this website on the way

The following weeks I’m going to work a little on the layout of this website whenever I have time (for those who have missed it, I’m currently studying full time so I don’t have a whole lot of time for games and the website but I’m spending as much free time as I get on it).

So the website may look a little different as I’m trying different things. During this time, feedback is much appreciated! Let me know if a change has been for the better or worse for you. Some things I cannot change (like the ads I have to serve in order to afford running this site) but certain things I can definitely do so I’m open for all feedback!

The first change is that I’ve removed the sidebar on game pages to allow focus on just the game. There’s also a max width on the content of the page as a full 1980 pixels width of content is a bit hard to take in. More changes to come as my full time studying includes web design and development so I’m hoping to be able to put my knowledge into good use and improve this site!

2023-09-02 – Goodbye!

Goodbye to!

If anyone is still visiting the old website but using plugins to access the flash games, you may notice that it now redirects you here. This is intentional as I can no longer cover the hosting costs for (even at the lowest web hosting option) and today decided to implement a redirect so I could close down the old hosting plan.

This has of course been a long time coming, I meant to close it down almost five years ago but kept it around anyway as it continued to generate enough to cover hosting costs for a long time. Thanks to me building the new website for the past five years, this switch doesn’t feel all too much but of course it does feel a little bit like saying goodbye to an old era.

Thank you everyone who was there from the beginning of the website back in… 2012 I believe? Possibly 2013 (wow, can’t even remember myself). And a huge thank you to everyone who has stuck around despite the end of flash and all kinds of bumps this game development journey have had (and I bet there’s plenty ahead still).

Now 100% focus on one website! For any old flash games that hasn’t been converted yet: I still have the source files for and I will do my best to convert as many of them as possible. Right now there hasn’t been a whole lot of time to spare for game development, but I’m starting to get into the groove of things and with time I should be able to handle work and studying together better 🙂

2023-07-16 – Some kawaiigames are temporarily down (RESOLVED)

Update: All of the games are now up and running again! The affected games will have a fixed size rather than being responsive but that’s much better than being unplayable!

A few kawaiigames games have issues loading, kawaiigames is aware of this and will get them updated soon! For now the affected games will be hidden but I will put them back up and update here once this issue has been resolved!

2023-05-07 – Fixed the sun and moon game

I accidentally embedded the wrong game on the new sun and moon page. My apologies, this has now been fixed!

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