Here you can find all the dress up games with a 60s theme! The decade of the civil right and anti-war movement! Characters with very colorful outfits, the straight short dresses, the mini skirts, afros, neatly styled short hair and of course a little flower power in there! Going from the more hourglass focused shapes of the 50s, now you’ll see more straight shapes.
The casual styles tend to stay clean and neat, but then we have flower power where you can often see more daring clothing choices. Very colorful, busy patterns and tie dyes! The bikini came into fashion so you might see some of the early models here.
The Beatles rose to fame as rock would continue to transform. We have the famous movie The Sound of Music. Pop culture of course impacting the fashion of the time, The Beatles had a big impact on the mens hairstyles at the time. Maybe you have any favourite medias from this time yourself? (I myself is enjoying many songs from The Beatles)
This tag is based on a theme. The games on these pages can be made by different developers and may vary a lot in style, customization options and functions. That can provide fun variety in your dress up game journey! So you can make a little collection with the same type of items but in different styles on different characters! Great if you have a specific theme you’re looking for.
I hope you find the perfect 60s themed game that you’re looking for!
In Swinging Sixties you can create a character and dress up in outfit inspired by the 60’s (to be more exact, the game was inspired by a drawing the artist had made)! The customization options available in this game are: background, skincolor, eyebrow, eye makeup (multiple options can be selected), nose, mouth, base clothing layer […]
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Create a character and dress up with neat outfits from the 60’s in this 60s autumn creator game! The good old flower power vibes with typical autumn fashion! Lots of yellow, orange and denim clothing. Two piece and dresses available. You can also randomize the character if you want to! The customization options available in
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