
Here I’ve collected all the character creators and dress up games from the legendary developer dolldivine! She’s been around for a while and is known for games with a high amount of customization and high quality artworks! Sometimes doing games based on recent trends, sometimes surprising us. Either way I’m always excited when there’s a dolldivine release that’s allowed to be published on other websites! These games are perfect for you who want the option to create the entire character rather than just dressing up.

Please note that while she’s using methods to make flash work on her website, I am not. So any flash games from her site that you may want here, I can’t publish. But all of the new games are functional here!

This tag is based on the developer of the game. All the games in this section is made by the same developer which means that they’ll likely be similar in function, style and content. However the themes will vary betwern them. If you like one of them, you might just enjoy the other’s as well, have a look!

Unless the developer is me (pastelkatto) I will not have access to the game files. Meaning that I can not change anything inside the games or fix any bugs. I am merely hosting the games on my site, however in some cases I have connections with the developer and can pass on certain bug reports to the developer.

Check out which games I have available on this site from dolldivine!

Casual Icon Maker

casual icon maker

This Casual Icon maker game is a super neat avatar creator. Create yourself or completely fictional characters dressed up in casual outfits and accessories! The hair has many different layers and by combining them you can create really neat and unique hairstyles. There’s also a couple of drag and drop items that you can freely

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